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Dick Wolf

LAS VEGAS - APR 22: Dick Wolf at the NBCUniversal Summer Pres D

Wolf in 2013, photo by kathclick/

Birth Name: Richard Anthony Wolf

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 20, 1946

*Ashkenazi Jewish (father)
*Irish (mother)

Dick Wolf is an American film and television producer. He is the creator and executive producer of the Law & Order and Chicago series of dramas. He is also known as Richard D. Wolf.

Dick is the son of Marie and George Wolf. His father was Jewish. His mother was Irish-American, and of the Catholic religion. Dick was raised in a secular home. He has three children with his former wife Christine Marburg; and two children with his former wife Noelle Lippman.

Dick’s maternal grandfather’s surname was Gaffney.

